Tuesday, February 15, 2011


   I'm soooo sorry that i haven't posted in a while! Well I've made some improvements to DA blog, did you notice the new template, and name? Well i did that all this morning, yup... i faked sick so i could blog! Not a very good thing, Oh well! Easy come, easy go!

   Yesterday, as you may recall, was Valentines day. I got three Valentines from this kid in my grad named Arbin, he is such a DORK! He gave me one that went like this:

My love for you
is like a puppy licking my face.

  Yeah, that one i think was a mistake... But you can never be sure with Arbin! One year, he gave me one that said: Be mine, gravel box! Okay, i think this kid has problems! Serious, problems! No one really likes him, except his sister, Allina, she always smells like Onions! BLAH! But she says that's because she has "hygiene issues", and, unfortunately, i think that's true... Well, gotta go, uh, eat the rest of my chocolate that i got from Zeke!
