Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Hi! I'm Abigail. I'm twelve. I have many intrests. Such as syrup, pie, Chabigail (My older sister), and chicken-pot pie. I like to rollerblade, shop at Macy's, try on shoes, save the world (with a little help from Chabigail, Reggie, and Zeke), play with Tessie (my BFF), and paint with watercolors. I live at my Aunt's house with my sisters Chabigail and Mallory, my brothers Dalton and Jakey, my cousins BobbiJak and Kate, and my Aunt (duh). I have a lot of friends. I hang out with them alot. My friends are Sara, Kimmi, Jessire, Gladys, Karsy, and Raechal. And Tessie. I have rainbow glasses and black braids. I like being colorful with my outfits. I also like jumpers. I enjoy hosting pig races, hanging out with Andrew (Chabigail's worst-enemy's pal), and I do really enjoy shopping at Macy's. My sister Chabigail saves the world from a rich and powerful teenage bratgirl and her fat and unpleasant sidekick. You see, Chabigail hangs out with Reggie alot, she calles him a twerp. He hangs outwith her and she can't get rid of him. She always likes to shove him out windows and break her baseball bat on his head. It's almost Christmas. I'm all done shopping. I got Chabigail a punk rock CD, Mallory a dress, Dalton and Jakey got transformer toys, BobbiJak some iceskates, and Kate a full beauty salon with hairspray, makeup kit, brush and wig. And dress up! Now I got my Aunt somethin' special! I got her a giant tub of syrup for pancakes! Reggie and Andrew got the same as Kate. The end.