Monday, April 11, 2011

Abby here

  Hiya!!!! I understand we have a new follower, do we not? YES WE DO!!! Hi Lectro sparkle! (Is it all right if i call you that?) You are fabulous! I absolutely ADORE you<3 Corrina does, too. So, how do you like Abigail road?? Named after the BEATLES! 

Yeah, i kinda love the Beatles. Well, gotta pry Reggie off of the hamper!



1 comment:

  1. Hiya!
    Ahaha you're FABULOUS too
    Ofcourse you can call me Lectro Sparkle but it's now ♥Strawberry Cait Sundae♥
    I changed my name cuz There was another girl named Electro Sparkle
    BTW: I LUV ur blog =]
    P.s you can still call me Lectro Sparkle if you like
